Must be wondering where I went??

Busy mom what can I say. I picked up this amazing awesome Business. And we are about to launch something new and I can’t wait. Apparently I have to wait a few more hours for the big announcement. But apparently the news is going to blow all us Ladies out of the water. I can’t wait to hear one of the cofounders announce it live today! But I have to wait a few more hours. We’ve been trying to guess for about 3 weeks now. So yeah I’m so curious. Another thing I wanted to mention. Is it’s that time again. It’s Launchapoloza. That is what Advocare calls it. Basically right before the big convention they announce new products and some of them you can purchase early. Every now and then you have to wait for certain ones. But there will be a new product announcement today. So yeah I have two things going on and am dyeing with curiosity. Not cool. Oh whats this new business I got into??? And how do you find time with two kids especially since it’s summer? Yeah this other business is fun and easy. I get paid within hours after my sale. And I’ve already made money right away in my first month of selling because I found a product Women LOVE!! Yep makeup. It’s called Younique!!! My why is I do these things for my gorgeous family! I want us to be able to take more trips. I want my kids to have memories that they will be bragging about to their kids one day. My dad did the best he could for us. And believe me we did great as kids but because he worked so much we didn’t get to travel a whole lot. We did get to go on an amazing trip to Disney World. Which I will never forget! But with what I do I can work from anywhere. I just need a phone, my laptop, or my iPad and of course my calendar. With Younique I do everything online. I have virtual parties online. They are fun and easy! Younique is amazing company. Their goal is to provide healthy, clean , and pure cosmetics. Younique’s mission is to uplift, empower, validate, and ultimately build self-esteem in women around the world through high-quality products that encourage both inner and outer beauty while also providing opportunities for personal growth and financial reward. When you go to purchase your products you can choose to donate to the Younique Foundation. And what is the Younique foundation? It’s a foundation that builds retreats for sexually abused women. A place where they are uplifted by each other and learn skills that can help them find individual healing. Pretty Amazing if you ask me.  Needless to say there were so many reasons for me to say yes to the opportunity. Just a few reasons why this is different. One I get $25 on my birthday to spend in my store. Awesome. Two I was immediately able to start as soon as I signed up. Three I am constantly getting help from all the other awesome ladies in the company. Video’s, posts, personally talking to them. You really can’t fail unless you decide not to try at all.  Four the provide training courses on your website because they want you to be successful. Five your paid within three hours of your sale. Yeah that was a whoa hold up what moment for me. Because most the time even with a workplace job you have to wait a couple of weeks before you get paid your first pay check. My husband liked that. He’s said wow you are already making money. Because he was skeptical about me being able to do this. Why you ask? Because I didn’t wear a whole lot of  makeup before. Maybe lip gloss or lipstick and that was it. Because everything else I’ve tried in the past has annoyed me. Makeup didn’t feel right kind of thing. But this makeup yes I wear it everyday. Because it feels amazing and I don’t want to clean it off as soon as I put it on. Also the compliments I’ve been getting are nice. People aren’t used to me wearing makeup. They are super surprised at the change. I guess you get stuck in your ways sometimes. I’ve also heard well I’ve given up so I don’t wear makeup. Don’t give up. Why not treat yourself. It’s fun and easy. And honestly I can’t tell you how it feels except to say it doesn’t feel like your wearing any. It looks awesome too. My lips have dramatically improved since using the lucrative lip gloss. My lips were so dry before now they are not. Sixth thing is no inventory to keep. I do keep a few 3d fiber lash mascara’s on hand because ladies can’t seem to wait for it to ship to them. By the way the fibers are made with green tea fibers. Awesome right. Literally it looks as though your lashes grow. A lot of people stop doing false lashes when they realize just how awesome the 3d Mascara looks. Look for me on Facebook or Google +. I would love to do a party and help you to earn free makeup. It’s fun and easy. There is no  having to have a party at your house. You don’t have to clean or provide snacks. And anyone can come because its’ done online. You don’t have to get a babysitter. Your family from out of town can come. These are the reasons ladies like doing these parties with me. I even do party games. And your asking me why would I want to do this? Because you can earn free makeup and 1/2 price items. And you can get whatever you want on my site with what you earn. I also will do a giveaway which would be something from my online store. Cruelty free makeup. Message me if you have any questions. And if you’d like to join me and become your own Younique Presenter I can answer questions you have about that as well. 🙂

Thinking And Contemplating

Today I’m thinking outside the box. I thought I’d share this cool video with you all. Which is different then a lot of things I post. But I like how it’s non conventional and has an artsy feel to it. I’ve been having a crazy week to say the least. But thank God for sending an awesome business opportunity my way. Otherwise I would not be healthy for one. Two when my son decided to become Superman and quite literally fly off his bike. I would not have been able to stay at home and take care of him. I feel super bad for him but he decided to be brave and go back to school today. I would have understood if he wanted another day to recuperate. Apparently he’s one tough kid. I would of have been devastated and not want to have gone to school. I could learn a few lessons from him. He is conquering his Fear. He won’t let fear drive him. Fear drives a lot of us. We have to conquer it though. Otherwise we will be living under a rock and waiting for others make decisions for us. No thank You. I will not let others tell me how to Dream. Dream big or go home. A lot of people in this economy especially in the Oil and Gas Industry are worried whether tomorrow or even today will be their last day of work. I absolutely have a solution for that. Join an awesome business opportunity such as AdvoCare. Guess what you won’t have to worry so much because you will have a Plan B. Many people are saying Yes to some type of business opportunity. It’s only a matter of time before one of your friends ask you to join theirs. Why not beat them to the punch and join mine. And if you would like a run down I have a link on my website called Business Opportunity The Advisor movie. It will give you a bases on how it works. There are different options. But really it’s only $79 to start which will provide you with a box of Spark and a box of Slam plus website and business materials. Pretty sweet deal. And you can immediately start sharing product and get people to purchase straight for your own website. Anyways I’m thankful for what I was offered and want to help others to do the same. Even Donald Trump who is one rich business say dude has said if something were to happen to all his money he would find him a good networking marketing company and get to work. So there you have it folks. Enjoy your day. 🙂 Skinny Jeans and Fat Purses.


17 lbs in 24 days. Do I have your attention?

I’m sure you have read my story before. But truth be known in just 24 days I lost 17 lbs. Now that is pretty awesome. After continuing to take product and changing my ways I lost 42 lbs total and kept it off for three years now.  I worked out thirty minutes four to five days a week back then. I now workout five to six times a week because I have the time and I enjoy it. But I couldn’t do that before I started the Advocare 24 day challenge. And the reason is because before I had no energy or will to try. After starting the product and drinking Advocare spark I have more energy than I did when I was a teenager. Which was impressive. I was getting winded going up my own stairs at home. I don’t have that problem anymore I run up and down my stairs now. As a result of losing the weight and having awesome energy people started asking me what I was doing differently. How had I done it? My own cousin didn’t recognize me at a store. I literally ran down the aisle yelling her name. She finally really looked at me and recognized me. But it took her a minute like who is this crazy girl yelling my name. She literally hadn’t seen me since the incredible weight-loss. And she was surprised but it’s like she didn’t want to say it. Later on she did but I think she was afraid she would hurt my feelings if she told me that I used to be fat. Duh I knew I was fat. I didn’t like talking about it before but now I’m like hey believe it or not I used to be 42 lbs overweight. What I have found is people either want one of three things from me. One they want to lose weight. Now Advocare isn’t just a diet but a change of lifestyle. A healthier change. People see a healthy change in you they want to change too. Two they want energy. Spark is my answer to energy. Spark is amazing because it helps you with energy and mental focus. The third thing they want is fatter wallets and purses. Now with said weight-loss, health wellness, and energy people start asking you what you did. So either A you can send them to me or B you can ask me to help you do what I do and make the money yourself. Oh bonus when signing up as a distributor for the wholesale or to be an advisor (meaning you are building a business) you a get a discount everytime you purchase your products. Do other wholesale company do that nope. And you can go one of two routes which I can explain later on if this interests you. Just send me a message. Or go to my website  I used the 24 Day challenge with the MNS C to start my weight-loss. If you would like an explanation on the 24 day challenge please go to my website and click on the 24 day challenge movie. Another recommendation I have is my cleanse and slim bundle. It is the cleanse system and Advocare slim. Advocare slim is great. It’s a drink and I wouldn’t take it until day 11 after your cleanse. It has Garcina Cambogia And Green Coffee extract in it. Basically you pour it in some water and shake it up and you are good to go.  If you have any questions please send me a message and I will be happy to help. Thanks for reading. Skinny Jeans and Fat Purse dreams.


Wanting to shed the pounds?I have a few ideas and how to get you ready for Summer.

I have been researching and seeing what works for others and thought I’d share.  Im a mother of two. And sometimes it is hard for some people to get out there and workout. Because they don’t have the time. You could get creative. And go outside and play with your kids. Why not burn some calories and get some bonding time with your kiddos. Of coarse because I work from home, yes I do have my own home gym that I have time to work out in. But I also workout with my kids. Sometimes we walk to our local park. And while we are walking we will bring a foot ball and toss it back and forth. Mind you we do this on the sidewalk and not in the middle of the street. Other times we will go to a bigger park that’s up the road from us. And my son will ride his bike around the park trail. My daughter can’t quite keep up but she will get a little jog in at the end. Because she wants to participate. We push in her a jogging stroller and run around the trail. Jogging strollers kind of give you an extra little bonus workout because your pushing extra weight. Other ideas is the simpleness of riding a bike, jumping rope, pushups,crunches. I also offer free videos on my website if you want to check those out. Which I will post that at the end of this blog. I also offer free healthy recipes on my website as well. Now talking nutrition. Some foods that help burn belly fat. Because thats what most people complain about. You want to make sure you get a good healthy meal for breakfast. Breakfast set’s the tone for your metabolism. If you don’t eat a good breakfast then it slows the metabolism down. Which is not something your want to do. A couple of ideas for breakfast is fiber rich oatmeal. Another good idea is an Advocare Meal Replacement shake. I usually use coconut milk or Almond milk with my meal replacement shakes. Because it tastes delicious. You do want to stay away from surgery breakfasts. Almonds are a great way to help stave off hunger. Awesome snack and one of my favorites. Avocados are believe it or not are fat burning. What are you sure about this Kristi? Yes I’m sure.  And the science of it is this: The monounsaturated fat in the avocado actually ignites your bodies fat burning hormones and switches off your fat storage hormones. Wow! Am I right? Avocado is one of my favorite foods and for good reason. Plus it tastes awesome. Chia Seeds are another awesome super food. They are a great source of Omega 3’s. Which suppresses your appetite and boost your metabolism. Also Advocare’s Omegaplex is way to get your omega-3’s supplement. It doesn’t taste fishy like so many omega-3 supplements do. It tastes awesome and in gel cap form. Brazil Nuts are fat burners as well. They are a powerful antioxident and can aide in weight-loss. Cinnamon helps with burning fat. Why do you ask? Because they move glucose into your cells faster which decreases insulin, the fat storage. Olive Oil helps control our hunger. Berries help because they are packed with fiber. Eggs help because they contain B12 which helps metabolize fat. Green Vegetables help us because they are high in fiber in low in calories. Parmigiano Reggiano Cheese is a low-cal, calcium rich treat that  activates the body’s fat burning hormones. It is also high in fiber. And last but not least Coconut oil. Coconut oil contains triacylglycerol. Essentially it the body burn fat.  Please check out my website for healthy recipes I’ve collected and workouts. Also there is a link to my store. If you’d like to know more please send me a message or leave a comment below and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Thanks for Reading. Hope this helps you with your summer goals.


Love My Fridays

Love my me days but I miss my kids believe it or not. I have to pick up one in an hour. I have been taking the knowledge I’ve learned the past few months and revamped my website. I actually enjoyed it. I have to say love to go to Vimeo for inspiration to make youtube videos. I have a few more things in mind but I don’t actually have time maybe this evening if I get time I’ll mess with it some more. But evenings are generally spent playing outside. Running and taking the kids to the park. Outside probably won’t be a possibility today because of our bipolar weather as I fondly refer to it. Sometimes on Friday we have a family date. Catch a movie or go out to eat. I kind of put off working out because I was enjoying the creative ways to make my site better and more accessible. We as a society like simple and easy. So I made things a little more simple in certain areas. And added a page for spotlight product. Which is basically a product that the company puts up for the pay period to be on sale. Which is nice. People tend to stock up on their favorites. I also made the workout video’s different Victoria Secret workouts. Sorry guys there are no models on the workouts. Literally it’s to help us ladies workout. I am thinking of dividing up my workouts to be a Girls workouts page and Guys workouts page. We just aren’t made the same. Heres the link to my website if you’d like to check it out. 🙂 Well hope you guys have an Awesome Friday!!!!!!!


My life. I wish I could use the cool youtube’s mom phrase.

Wow how things have changed for me. I keep thinking back to a time when I used to work 40 hrs a week and have such extreme anxiety about leaving my oldest with my mom and then his preschool. And even my little one for a little while had to go for a time with only seeing me in the evenings and early mornings. Now not the case. My little one is hilarious. And I’m not the only one who thinks so. She does go to preschool three times a week but it’s for her benefit not because I have to. Teachers who aren’t even her teachers who come in contact with her tell me some of the wild thing she tells them. I have actually had to explain to a teacher that we live in suburbia we do not own a farm with horses. My little girl was so serious and had so many details they thought we really owned a horse named Hanna. She is quite imaginative. I love it though. I like that she is able to come up with such imaginative stories that people get pulled into her little dream world. I have had to explain the difference between a lie and telling cool stories. She does admit to her stories if you ask her. If you just go with it and don’t ask her she will just keep on going. She told her teachers a whopper about Spring break. I think Cinderella may have had some weird effect on her imagination. When asked what she did over spring break she said I made her mop and sweep the floors. Dust the furniture. And shovel the snow out of the driveway. Which is weird since we live in southern Texas. Yeah no snow during spring break. So the teachers caught on that she was telling one of her interesting tales. We did fun things like the Zoo, the natural science museum, Movies, and playing at the park. Which if I still worked 40 hr weeks none of that would of happened. Because they would be at a babysitters and I would be at my job. I love reading with both of my kids. My oldest is more of a nonfiction fan. He wants to read about sharks and lizards mostly. But he will read interesting fictional stories with me especially if they are adventure stories. The kid loves a good adventure story. He is my scientist and questions everything. Which is good because there was a time when he was too shy and scared to question. I finally had to tell him ask questions. So now I have to say hey thats awesome but you just went over mom’s head and I’m not sure I can answer that. He is also a prankster. Have to keep an eye on him he is way to smart for his own good. I once walked into the house and apparently dropped my keys on the ground. My son picked them up but I didn’t know it. He was in the living room hiding out. I asked him if he saw my car keys. And he says No. I looked everywhere even outside where I thought I dropped them. And no where to be found. I call my husband and tell him somehow between the house and the car my keys have disappeared. He says are you sure? I said yes. I can’t find them anywhere. He walks in the door finds my son and daughter in the living room. And asks them if they have seen moms keys. My son busts out laughing and says yes. He says where are they your mom is going crazy trying to find them. He says I hid them in my room. Then proceeds to laugh. Yeah he does me like that. I love my mischievous little boy. Anyways love my life now. I am not bogged down with day to day grind Thank God! I enjoyed my job but I was not in love with it. I enjoyed the people there but I love being able to spend my time the way I want it. The only time restraint I really have is Public School. And we are in an awesome school district. I admire at home school moms. But you guys are so busy and probably way more organized than I am. I probably could be a stay at home mom but it’s not in the cards right now. Anyways just wanted to share some of my life with you bloggers today 🙂

Working From Home

What I have learned as a Stay home mom entrepreneur. Well I learned if you want success you have to fail to succeed. I mean that you will literally fail at some part of your business because we are human. Guess what humans make mistakes. The question is what you do when this happens. If you haven’t figured it out the answer is you learn. Learn what works and what doesn’t work. You have to follow the right people. People who will potentially be interested in what you have to offer. Also follow people who you look up to and want to learn from. Some people are leaders by old methods. But those methods don’t necessarily work for us now in the present.  Posting flyers works to an extent, but sometimes over posting and posting flyers is just annoying. and what do we do when we get these random flyers. Yep that’s right we throw them away. People usually don’t say oh yes this car wash from this place is just what I need. Or that weight loss ad I saw in the bathroom. Yep I need to lose weight. We just don’t buy into the hype of the flyer because flyers are a little outdated. I have tried it. Didn’t work so well. But you have to reach out to your market. You want to reach for people who are looking for what you have to offer. Sometimes that means expanding your horizons. For example say you are a direct sales distributor for perfume. Well you’d want to look for people who are into beauty and fashion. So you would go through forums, blogs, tweets, instagram, and follow them. Which will lead to your opportunity to reach out to your market. But you have to find it. My husband and I recently started a new business venture. Which is way different from my other business. I still love my other business because I love the product. People in our modern society want a business that is free and easy. People want a business where they don’t have to spend countless hours on. Who wants to get paid for doing something you do all the time? Like playing on social media. Now there is a key to social media. And I have learned this from my other business. Again little failures will lead to success because we learn from our failures. You don’t want to post your business all over your social media. Why because maybe they might be interested in some success stories but if they didn’t ask for it guess what they don’t want to see it. They will figuratively walk on by and look for that funny baby/puppy video that everyone’s been laughing at. But what will get people to pay attention is to post about your life. Hey I am shopping right now and it’s only ten am on a Tuesday. Or look at this awesome vacation my family and I are on #summervacationwithmyfamily. That’s what people want to see because we are curious how others live. They want to hear about you not your business. Now Kristi, how do we get to them to get on board with what we are doing or what we sale? Well actually that is easy. You make conversations with people. Interaction is key. Tell only a little and people become curious especially when they see all the fun things you get to do. Then they will come to you. You don’t tell them what you do you say hey I’m doing something cool but I don’t want to discuss it here. Pm me and I will give you more detail. Another thing that I learned is we want free. Who doesn’t want free. The catch here is you get what you pay for. Now there are sometimes a business will offer a free to join month. And I have no problem with using that to boost people on your team.  But I do worry about people who use free to join all the time. I just don’t see the potential for residual income. And i’m not calling anyone out. I’ve been doing a lot of observing and figuring out what works. And I see that with several companies. And maybe because I’m not involved in these companies I don’t really understand. But in all honesty I feel like you get what you pay for. And thats the heart of what I’m getting at here. Direct sales is companies using the public to promote their product and paying the public for their efforts. But if you don’t have to invest in any money. One are you getting quality business people on your team? The thing is if they don’t invest in themselves whats the incentive to work once they get bored of it or don’t see the income results they want? And 2nd is the company investing their money in getting you the tools to succeed?  I feel like you need a good product in order to do well. Free sample is a whole other animal. You want people to test out your product through sampling. Because if you have an awesome product and they try just a little bit chances are they are going to want more. You have to get passionate about your product and your purpose for doing what you do. If you don’t know your purpose then why are you doing it? No one will believe in you if you don’t believe in yourself. I definitely have belief in what we do. And I bet your wondering what is this new business venture we’re involved in. Well guess what, just as I taught you I’m not going to tell you about it because I don’t need to. It’s very easy and a great way to make a plan b income. That’s all I’m going to say. If you would like to hear about it just drop me a line. I will get back to you and show you how you too can do what we do. Thanks for taking the time to read my blog.

Virtual Coach

I’m super excited to announce we have a new addition to Advocare called The 24 day challenge Virtual Coach. Guess what its free. I think it is pretty cool way to keep you on track for your 24 day challenge. Of coarse I will also help as well. All you need to do is purchase your products from me and I will help you and download your free app. That’s my job is to help others. I know other apps who will remain nameless. One of someone whom I happen to think is an awesome personal coach but she charges you to get tips and help you lose weight. And of coarse there are the systems many people go to that our advertised on tv that charge you on a weekly or monthly basis depending on what you are doing to help you reach those goals. I don’t charge for my assistance and the app is free as well. I help however I can the only thing you need to do is purchase your 24 day challenge kit. And there are several ways to do this and get discounts. And of coarse there are add ons that will help you as well. I love these products because I’m a product of the product. Three years and going strong. Im fitter than I was in highschool. I would recommend you go to this link first . You will get an overview and really look at what this can do for you. It’s time to get those new years resolutions going. Here is the link for the virtual coach.  Also if you want the app on your phone I would recommend sending this link to you phone. And there is option to get it for Apple or Android. There are four ways to engage with Advocare. The first way is to be a Retail Customer and purchase products at retail prices. The second way is a wholesale customer. Which means you’ve decided you don’t want to pay retail price. You do this by becoming a distributor. Just because you a distributor does not mean you have to sale products. It means you get your own kit which includes a microsite and $50 in product. And you get can earn between 20%-30% discount on everything you purchase. You will automatically get the 20% discount. But you can work your way up to 30% by the volume purchased. Which you can either use to sample or use it yourself. Your choice. The third way is you decide you love the products and you  would like to share the products and you would like to make a little extra income by selling your products through your website. The fourth way is you become a business advisor. A business advisor is someone with a business mindset. Part time effort can generate full time income based on your efforts. And you will be at a 40% discount. The great thing about this is once you earn up to a percentage level you will keep the level your at as long as your in good standing with Advocare. There is not a minimum required each pay period. But it’s all how you would like to be involved and its up to you. Now if you’d like to know more about a particular one of these four ways send me a message and I will happy to talk to you about this. I know one thing products taste so much better at a discount. I hope to hear from you soon so we can help you reach those goals for your New Year. 🙂

4 Relationships with Advocare

Summer Vacation Tips

Tips for summer vacation

Keep on track with your exercise. Go for a run on the beach. Or walk or bike if ones available. Some resorts have gyms. Swim in the pool. Take advantage of the opportunities offered. Take the stairs and skip the elevator. Maybe try something new while your on vacation like rock climbing, zip lining, surfing, or sailing. It’s ok to overindulge a little. Let’s face it when you go on vacation you want to try things and enjoy your meals. What I do suggest is just to eat a little of the things you want to try or like. Just watch your proportion. If you are going to drink stay away from those fancy drinks like margaritas. One margarita can be between 500 and 700 calories. Drink white wine or light beer instead. Pack good healthy snacks. (Granola bars, trail mix, low sodium snacks) You can also use that mini fridge to put fruits and veggies in for snacking. Some great Advocare products to take with you on Vacation are Advocare Carb-Ease Plus, Advocare Spark, Advocare Rehydrate, Advocare Thermoplus, Advocare Raw Bar, and Advocare Meal Replacement Shakes. Carb-Ease helps with digesting high carb meals. Spark gives you the energy and focus you need. Rehydrate helps keep you hydrated. Thermoplus helps you burn 150 calories a meal but don’t take it after 1pm. It is a thermogen and it will be harder to go to sleep. But if you want something to help you relax at the end of the day I would recommend Advocare Oasis drink. The Raw bar is an awesome snack. It taste like fig newtons to me. Yum. We have other snack bars as well but that is my favorite until they bring my peach or ginger bread bars back. And last but not least Is the meal replacement shakes. They are delicious I usually drink them for breakfast or lunch. I usually drink with 2% milk. But you can use water. I have yet to try with some soy milk which I hear is a good healthy way to do it as well. If you have any questions about products or the business please leave me a message and I will get back to you as soon as I can. Thank you. If your wanting to purchase these awesome products. My website is