Summer Vacation Tips

Tips for summer vacation

Keep on track with your exercise. Go for a run on the beach. Or walk or bike if ones available. Some resorts have gyms. Swim in the pool. Take advantage of the opportunities offered. Take the stairs and skip the elevator. Maybe try something new while your on vacation like rock climbing, zip lining, surfing, or sailing. It’s ok to overindulge a little. Let’s face it when you go on vacation you want to try things and enjoy your meals. What I do suggest is just to eat a little of the things you want to try or like. Just watch your proportion. If you are going to drink stay away from those fancy drinks like margaritas. One margarita can be between 500 and 700 calories. Drink white wine or light beer instead. Pack good healthy snacks. (Granola bars, trail mix, low sodium snacks) You can also use that mini fridge to put fruits and veggies in for snacking. Some great Advocare products to take with you on Vacation are Advocare Carb-Ease Plus, Advocare Spark, Advocare Rehydrate, Advocare Thermoplus, Advocare Raw Bar, and Advocare Meal Replacement Shakes. Carb-Ease helps with digesting high carb meals. Spark gives you the energy and focus you need. Rehydrate helps keep you hydrated. Thermoplus helps you burn 150 calories a meal but don’t take it after 1pm. It is a thermogen and it will be harder to go to sleep. But if you want something to help you relax at the end of the day I would recommend Advocare Oasis drink. The Raw bar is an awesome snack. It taste like fig newtons to me. Yum. We have other snack bars as well but that is my favorite until they bring my peach or ginger bread bars back. And last but not least Is the meal replacement shakes. They are delicious I usually drink them for breakfast or lunch. I usually drink with 2% milk. But you can use water. I have yet to try with some soy milk which I hear is a good healthy way to do it as well. If you have any questions about products or the business please leave me a message and I will get back to you as soon as I can. Thank you. If your wanting to purchase these awesome products. My website is