Virtual Coach

I’m super excited to announce we have a new addition to Advocare called The 24 day challenge Virtual Coach. Guess what its free. I think it is pretty cool way to keep you on track for your 24 day challenge. Of coarse I will also help as well. All you need to do is purchase your products from me and I will help you and download your free app. That’s my job is to help others. I know other apps who will remain nameless. One of someone whom I happen to think is an awesome personal coach but she charges you to get tips and help you lose weight. And of coarse there are the systems many people go to that our advertised on tv that charge you on a weekly or monthly basis depending on what you are doing to help you reach those goals. I don’t charge for my assistance and the app is free as well. I help however I can the only thing you need to do is purchase your 24 day challenge kit. And there are several ways to do this and get discounts. And of coarse there are add ons that will help you as well. I love these products because I’m a product of the product. Three years and going strong. Im fitter than I was in highschool. I would recommend you go to this link first . You will get an overview and really look at what this can do for you. It’s time to get those new years resolutions going. Here is the link for the virtual coach.  Also if you want the app on your phone I would recommend sending this link to you phone. And there is option to get it for Apple or Android. There are four ways to engage with Advocare. The first way is to be a Retail Customer and purchase products at retail prices. The second way is a wholesale customer. Which means you’ve decided you don’t want to pay retail price. You do this by becoming a distributor. Just because you a distributor does not mean you have to sale products. It means you get your own kit which includes a microsite and $50 in product. And you get can earn between 20%-30% discount on everything you purchase. You will automatically get the 20% discount. But you can work your way up to 30% by the volume purchased. Which you can either use to sample or use it yourself. Your choice. The third way is you decide you love the products and you  would like to share the products and you would like to make a little extra income by selling your products through your website. The fourth way is you become a business advisor. A business advisor is someone with a business mindset. Part time effort can generate full time income based on your efforts. And you will be at a 40% discount. The great thing about this is once you earn up to a percentage level you will keep the level your at as long as your in good standing with Advocare. There is not a minimum required each pay period. But it’s all how you would like to be involved and its up to you. Now if you’d like to know more about a particular one of these four ways send me a message and I will happy to talk to you about this. I know one thing products taste so much better at a discount. I hope to hear from you soon so we can help you reach those goals for your New Year. 🙂

4 Relationships with Advocare

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