Thinking And Contemplating

Today I’m thinking outside the box. I thought I’d share this cool video with you all. Which is different then a lot of things I post. But I like how it’s non conventional and has an artsy feel to it. I’ve been having a crazy week to say the least. But thank God for sending an awesome business opportunity my way. Otherwise I would not be healthy for one. Two when my son decided to become Superman and quite literally fly off his bike. I would not have been able to stay at home and take care of him. I feel super bad for him but he decided to be brave and go back to school today. I would have understood if he wanted another day to recuperate. Apparently he’s one tough kid. I would of have been devastated and not want to have gone to school. I could learn a few lessons from him. He is conquering his Fear. He won’t let fear drive him. Fear drives a lot of us. We have to conquer it though. Otherwise we will be living under a rock and waiting for others make decisions for us. No thank You. I will not let others tell me how to Dream. Dream big or go home. A lot of people in this economy especially in the Oil and Gas Industry are worried whether tomorrow or even today will be their last day of work. I absolutely have a solution for that. Join an awesome business opportunity such as AdvoCare. Guess what you won’t have to worry so much because you will have a Plan B. Many people are saying Yes to some type of business opportunity. It’s only a matter of time before one of your friends ask you to join theirs. Why not beat them to the punch and join mine. And if you would like a run down I have a link on my website called Business Opportunity The Advisor movie. It will give you a bases on how it works. There are different options. But really it’s only $79 to start which will provide you with a box of Spark and a box of Slam plus website and business materials. Pretty sweet deal. And you can immediately start sharing product and get people to purchase straight for your own website. Anyways I’m thankful for what I was offered and want to help others to do the same. Even Donald Trump who is one rich business say dude has said if something were to happen to all his money he would find him a good networking marketing company and get to work. So there you have it folks. Enjoy your day. 🙂 Skinny Jeans and Fat Purses.


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