
Why is it now a days people tend to constantly post Zig Ziglar quotes? Don’t get me wrong he has some great quotes. But why don’t we come up with original thoughts or ideas of our own anymore? Just something to ponder next time you decide to use his quote as your entire status update or tweet or even Instagram. I’ve been guilty of this too. No ones perfect. Actually I usually quote songs that I’m jamming out too but hey that’s me. Just something that was on my mind and thought I’d get out there in cyberspace. Motivation I assume is the answer to this. People want to inspire and motivate others. But what really gets people inspired are peoples stories of where they’ve been and where their going. For example a fit person gets up and says hey I like to run. It’s fun and I think you should do it. Ok so what, right.  That story probably has you thinking good for you but there’s no point and no passion to your story. Therefore I’m not going to go run just because you think it’s fun. But that same fit person gets up there says Hey I used to be 75 lbs overweight and I had no energy to do anything. I couldn’t even get motivated to play outside with my kids. I was down and out and depressed. But I was introduced to spark by my friend. Suddenly I had energy to go outside. Then we started going for walks. I then was told about the 24 day challenge. I started losing weight. Feeling healthier 8 months later decided to train for a half marathon. And I will be competing in my first full marathon next month. Now that’s an inspirational story. Totally fictitious person of course. But I’ve heard and seen that happen to lots of people. I’ve even met a guy who lost 100lbs from using Advocare products to help him with his weight loss and exercise as well. Point being motivation. It sure motivated me to eat better. Because truth be known after cleaning out my body of all the yucky toxins with the cleanse and laying down a good foundation with MNS I can’t eat badly. My body doesn’t allow it. Here’s a motivational true  story about a couple named Bob and Sharla Rose. Bob was 299lbs and Sharla was 270 lbs.  Bob had tried different diets and exercise programs through the years with hardly any success. He reached a plateau and gave up. He went back to making poor diet choices or as we all like to say comfort foods. And what weight he did lose returned with more weight than what he started with. Sharla became worried about their unhealthy habits and what could be dire consequences. She decided to speak with two of her friends who had amazing results with AdvoCare products. Sharla really just wanted to be healthy more than weight-loss. She was desperate and didn’t want to waste her time or money on fad diets. Her friends assured her that If she followed the directions and a healthy eating plan she would attain her goals. She trusted her friends and wanted to succeed at it. Her husband Bob was very skeptical. Which was understandable since he had a hard time with weight-loss programs before. His original intentions were to prove to his wife that the products wouldn’t help him. They completed the 24 day challenge and saw results. Sharla lost 18.5 lbs and Bob lost 17.5 lbs. Bob was a couch potato but now he exercises regularly. He now has the energy play with his daughter. They have kept on products. They are in the best shape of their lives. Sharla has lost a total of 75lbs, 5 dress sizes,  27% body fat.  Bob has lost 126 lbs, 11 pants sizes, 30.4% body fat. That is so inspiring to me.  Talk about motivation. Ok one more motivational story. This is one is about success. Matt and Kelly Cernyar. Mat was first introduced to Advocare Products while training for a triathlon. It wasn’t long before they were hooked on the products. They were content with just using products. They had no interest in the business opportunity. Several years later they had a change of heart about using AdvoCare as a business instead of just being product users. Matt was making a decent living at being a medical device rep but unfortunately that meant he traded his valuable family time for dollars. He would leave before his kids got up and didn’t get home till after they had already gone to bed. He missed holidays, birthdays, and weekends that was taking a toll on his relationship with his kids. Realizing the demand on his job was getting worse with no increased benefit . The Cernyars reached their turning point. Matt was feeling trapped in a job that provided for his family but deprived him of being the father and husband he wanted to be. With their sponsor’s advice, They decided to attend Advocare Success School. They saw families living life on their terms. Mom and Dads becoming stay at home parents. They saw people living out their dreams and helping others to do the same. After 2 years of applying the Success System and focusing on helping others to do the same, Matt was able to leave his job to come home to his family and work full time with Kelly on their Advocare Buisness. Instead of occasional quality time, Matt was able to spend quantity time with his wife and kids. Their earnings to date is $178,301. Wow. Anyways my point is be motivational. Stand tall. Don’t be afraid to be different stand out and try not to use your Zig Ziglar crutch. Your stories will motivate people to change.


Increase Movie


It’s been a while. I’ve been so busy but I still have time to work from home. I ask that you guys please keep an open mind. Please erase all previous notions and click the link above and watch the movie. Then read the rest of this blog entry. 🙂


I have met many people who have done awesome at the Advocare business. Or lost an incredible amount of weight because of Advocare products. I’ve even met people who have gained muscle thanks to the Advocare elite line. It’s hard not to get excited when you see real people not just ad’s on the internet making money and getting healthy. If you click over to my story you can see my weight-loss story if you don’t already know it. The products work true story. And I am now working from home. Which is amazing. I would not be able to work my schedule around my kids, if it weren’t for the Advocare opportunity. My kids have me so busy but I love being there for them. Being able to go to their parties, sports, school events. Being able to spend the summer with them. I got started because I was invited to a mixer. At the mixer I tried Spark. Which I quickly realized I love this stuff. It makes me feel so focused and energized. And unlike other energy drinks I do not crash and burn after drinking it. This awesome lady named Kerry Roberson was speaking. Telling us her story. She used to work at a nail salon. She lost 75 lbs over a period of time from putting Advocare products in her body. She now makes 45,000 a month. Seriously she does. Thats awesome. I know her she’s a real person who really does this. The products work therefore the business works. It’s awesome because you are not working alone you have a team who will absolutely help you and wants to see you do well. However it is you want to be a part of Advocare, whether your just looking to take the products by being a retail customer, Wholesale customer to receive discounts, Distributor shares the product and makes a part time income, Or an Advisor builds the business and gets paid five different ways. Make a decision about how you’d like to be apart of this amazing company. I’d love to talk to you more about Advocare and how it can help you. Send me a message.

Summer Vacation Tips

Tips for summer vacation

Keep on track with your exercise. Go for a run on the beach. Or walk or bike if ones available. Some resorts have gyms. Swim in the pool. Take advantage of the opportunities offered. Take the stairs and skip the elevator. Maybe try something new while your on vacation like rock climbing, zip lining, surfing, or sailing. It’s ok to overindulge a little. Let’s face it when you go on vacation you want to try things and enjoy your meals. What I do suggest is just to eat a little of the things you want to try or like. Just watch your proportion. If you are going to drink stay away from those fancy drinks like margaritas. One margarita can be between 500 and 700 calories. Drink white wine or light beer instead. Pack good healthy snacks. (Granola bars, trail mix, low sodium snacks) You can also use that mini fridge to put fruits and veggies in for snacking. Some great Advocare products to take with you on Vacation are Advocare Carb-Ease Plus, Advocare Spark, Advocare Rehydrate, Advocare Thermoplus, Advocare Raw Bar, and Advocare Meal Replacement Shakes. Carb-Ease helps with digesting high carb meals. Spark gives you the energy and focus you need. Rehydrate helps keep you hydrated. Thermoplus helps you burn 150 calories a meal but don’t take it after 1pm. It is a thermogen and it will be harder to go to sleep. But if you want something to help you relax at the end of the day I would recommend Advocare Oasis drink. The Raw bar is an awesome snack. It taste like fig newtons to me. Yum. We have other snack bars as well but that is my favorite until they bring my peach or ginger bread bars back. And last but not least Is the meal replacement shakes. They are delicious I usually drink them for breakfast or lunch. I usually drink with 2% milk. But you can use water. I have yet to try with some soy milk which I hear is a good healthy way to do it as well. If you have any questions about products or the business please leave me a message and I will get back to you as soon as I can. Thank you. If your wanting to purchase these awesome products. My website is



I’ve been so busy. I’ve been a terrible blogger as of late. Thanksgiving and Christmas were crazy but in a good way.  Then other stuff as well kept coming up. Just didn’t get the time to sit down and do this. But today seemed like a good day to write. The weather is yucky. And I have laundry running so perfect time to sit down and put in some blogging time. I love being a stay at home mom. Being able to work from where ever you can hook up your laptop is pretty awesome. I got to was able to go to my daughters school to celebrate her birthday with her in March. And last month I also had what they call Olympics. Basically it was field day and fun run day all in one day. Man were the kids exhausted by the end of the day. Last year when I was still working I had awesome bosses who did allow me to take a half day so I could be a volunteer for Olympic day. The volunteering at that time was not the most pleasant experience for me. Which had nothing to do with me working full time. The other moms were old pros and treated me like such an outsider didn’t even talk to me. Believe me I tried. Basically overheard them talking and they did not have very nice words to say about newbies like me. They seemed really snooty towards mom who work. I wanted to tell them hey guys we aren’t in high school grow up. But every negative experience I try to turn into a learning experience. It taught me to go out of my way to make people feel comfortable and most important be friendly. So this year with my son’s advice I decided not to volunteer for that particular event. But I did show up to follow my son around. Which he enjoyed and I also helped the volunteer mom that was working with my sons group. I was able to enjoy watching my boy compete. So much fun. I even ran a couple laps to encourage him to keep going. And the other moms and two grandma’s who were following their kids or grandkids were awesome. Last week I did volunteer to be a chaperone for their field trip to the zoo. And that too was a fun experience. I was exhausted because I had two kids in our group that were super hyper. And I double sparked because theirs no way I’d be able to keep up. We had a Zoo scavenger hunt. I need to print out the pictures for their Zoo project. Very enjoyable. And this week is Easter week and I get to go to my daughter’s school to participate in their easter egg hunt. Which will be fun. People keep asking me do I get bored being a stay at home mom. My answer is No!!! I’m always doing something. And it’s great to be able to be there for my entire family. Including my Mom who actually calls me and asks me for help sometimes. It’s nice to be able to say sure Mom what do you need. She is always there for me. I’d be crazy not to love helping her when I have a chance to turn the tables. What cracks me up is she acts like she is burdening my busy schedule. Which she is not. The brilliance of my business is I can work it around whatever I need to. I’m pretty sure not everyone is able to do that and still contribute to the household. It’s nice. I wouldn’t change it. What kids remember the most about their childhood is the times they spent with you. They could careless about how much money you make or that you were working overtime to pay for that new bike or that really cool tech gadget they wanted. They really just want to spend time with you. On that note I will say Au Revoir. Enjoy your day. 🙂 And remember me if you or someone one you know is looking to lose weight or tone up or needs a plan B income. Plan B incomes can be a plan A income just something to think about. Message me or check my website.



ImageWell the Spotlight Product of the month is Calcium Plus. It’s on sale for $21. It provides 500mg of Calcium daily. It helps prevent Osteoporosis. It contains amino acid-bound minerals for better absorption. It also has nutrients, minerals and vitamins that help support bone health. Awesome calcium supplement.  Lets face it we all need calcium. And a lot of us stop getting the much needed calcium as we grow up. We don’t get enough out of everyday diet so this is a great supplement to take to help your bones to stay healthy.  My 24 day challenge contest winner was Delores. She’s is one of my awesome distributors.  

Image  Advocare has come out with their holiday products Today. I remember last year when they introduced them they sold super quick. I love both of them. One is called the Advobar Holiday. Great snack they taste like gingerbread. So good. And the other product is Orange Cream Replacement Shake. Reminds me of an orange cream sickle. Super tasty really hits that sweet tooth and you don’t have to feel guilty consuming it. You can definitely use it to replace a meal. One thing I do sometimes is I put 2% Milk in it and mix it up real smoothly. Then I will freeze it for 30 min and eat it like ice cream. Sounds crazy but it’s awesome.  So remember hit up my website and take advantage of these awesome products.

The 24 Breakdown

I have been busy as usual. I have new customers and distributors plus being a mom/wife. It’s a lot of work. But I wouldn’t trade it for the world. My work part is actually pretty fun. Tell people about other people’s successes and I tell people about my success. I also sample product out. Being able to spend times with my kids and being able to be there for them is awesome. Today I want to talk about the 24 Day Challenge. I don’t have to tell you that’s what kicked started my weight-loss. Lost 17 lbs doing one 24 Day Challenge. Now everybody loses weight different. If you are taking a 24 Day Challenge you should definitely measure your self before you start. I continued with MNS System, Omega-Plex, Catalyst, and Thermoplus to lose the rest of the weight. Just remember muscle weighs more than fat. I’d like to break the 24 Day Challenge what’s included in it and a break down of the price. And also how you can get a discount. The 24 Day Challenge is an awesome weight-loss system that really works if you follow the instructions. What’s great about this system is it comes with a daily guide that walks you through how the system works plus extra tips. It is broken into two phases the Cleanse phase and the Max Phase. In the Cleanse phase you will be taking the Herbal Cleanse according to the directions. Don’t take all the cleanse products at once. If you look at your daily guide it will tell you when and what time a day to take your products. And you can always take Spark. So what does the Cleanse Phase include? It is the herbal cleanse which contains Herbal Cleanse Capulets, Pro-Biotic Restore Ultra, Fiber Drink Citrus flavor. You also have your Omega-Plex and two boxes of spark that are meant to last the entire 24 day challenge. Day 1-10 is your Cleanse Phase of your 24 Day Challenge. Day 11-24 is your Max Phase. Max Phase is the MNS , Meal Replacement Shakes, Spark, and Omega-Plex. There are three different mns systems to choose from. MNS Max E is for those of us who need a lot of energy. The MNS Max C is for appetite control. And MNS Max 3 is for weight management, appetite control, and overall wellness. They refer to the MNS as color packs in the daily guide. There is a color written on the packets to differentiate between the pills. Again don’t take all pills at once follow the guide to know when and what time to take them. There are some great companion products to take with the Max phase if you so desire. The products are Carb-Ease, ThermoPlus, Catalyst. You might want to purchase extra meal replacement shakes in case you plan on taking them during the Cleanse Phase. The 24 Day Challenge only give you enough for the Max Phase. So one more time the 24 Day Challenge you get a choice of what MNS system, a choice of meal replacement shake, 2 boxes of Spark, Omega-Plex, a box of the Herbal Cleanse. The price is like this for the MNS Max -3 24 Day Challenge. It is 190.25. Which is the more pricey one. You take that price and break it down to how much it is a day it is $7.93 a day. The MNS Max C Or The MNS Max E 24 Day Challenge is $188.25. Which translates to $7.84 a day. Now how much do you spend on drinks and meals during the day? I’m pretty sure you spend more than that. Now your thinking ok how about that discount Kristi? Well here’s all you have to do become a distributor. One way is to sign up at the $79 distributor which gives you $60 value in spark and slam. Plus you get a 20% discount every time you make a purchase. You can earn your way up to advisor level which is 40% discount. Plus you have the opportunity if you choose to build your own Advocare business. Or if you decide I’m all in you can place an advisor order of $2100 and start getting your 40% right away. You could actually take the product that you purchased from an advisor order and make a profit off of it. But that’s entirely up to you. Right now I’m doing a contest the first ten people who purchase a 24 day challenge through me or one of my distributors I will do a drawing for a Can You 24? Workout DVD and a bottle of Thermoplus. If I get 20 or more people I will do a second drawing. The deadline is Nov 5 and I will do a drawing on Nov 6.


Firefighter’s story

This is pretty awesome video. This firefighter didn’t believe Advocare could work. He knew the products worked and were amazing but didn’t really think the business side worked until he got a check from Advocare. It does work guys. I just wanted to share someone else’s story. It works for my husband and I as well. Seeing those commission checks directly deposited into our account. Knowing I didn’t do anything but share my story or someone else’s story and sharing the awesome products is all I did. Or getting someone to a meeting so they can see others results because I’m not the only one who got smart and plugged into this business. It’s so easy. Send me a message if you’d like to hear more.

Busy Busy Busy… Free from the rat race

imageOk here is the real blog post. Today has been quite busy actually my month has been busy. Where’s this rest thing people keep talking about or the weekend do those exist anymore? It’s a good busy though. I’m making sales around my family life. A little insight to my life before becoming a work from home mom. People aka my work friends back when I had a desk job, thought I was a little crazy. Ok maybe they thought I was a lot crazy. The thing was I had to be at work by 8 am. Thats a normal thing right? Well I didn’t like working out in the afternoon because by the time everything was said and done it was 6 when I got home. And I like to spend my evenings with my family. So that meant I had to get up extra early. I workout five to six times a week. I still do because honestly I enjoy it. And my Advocare products give me that edge. I wouldn’t have been able to get up as early as I did had I not been taking products. I was getting up wait for it yep 3:30 am. Crazy right? You ask why? Well A I didn’t want to lose my job for not being on time. They depended on me to be early. B I didn’t want to sacrifice family time or sacrifice my workouts to keep me fit. So solution for me was get up at 3:30 am. My routine went like this I heard that mean alarm go off at 3:30. I got up and got ready to workout. I fed and watered the outside animals. I took the inside animal to use the bathroom then fed and watered her. Got the kids lunches together. Got the kids clothes set aside for them. Worked out for thirty minutes to an hour depending how much time I had. After I finished awesome workout I would clean up and get ready for work. Proceeded to wake up kids get them ready for school. My little one only went to school every other day otherwise she would go stay with my mom. Make them breakfast. Then drive my son drop him off at before school YMCA care which was at the school which that was nice. I would drive to my moms to drop my little girl off. And barely make it time to the office at 8 with traffic but I’d get there. Yep they thought I was crazy. But life is more laid back for me now. I love it. My career now revolves around my life not the other way around. My kids now get to wake up at a normal hour. 7:30 for them is way better than 6 am. I always felt bad for them not being able to sleep till 7 like I did when I was little. My mom was fortunate enough to be a stay at home mom when I was little. But thanks to me making the decision to get involved with Advocare. I’m A able to keep up with them. B I can be there for them because I work from home. Next week my son is a star student. Apparently next week is about him. And one day next week I get to go read to his class a book from his collection of books. He is super excited. Before I would have had to make sure I had someone to cover for me. Which I would have been able to do but I hated asking I always felt bad. Which I know is silly but it’s nice having time freedom to do as I please and not feeling guilty for wanting to take time off. I also am able to go volunteer at his school. I asked to help out in the library because I love libraries. I love to read. And the librarian has already asked me when I was available to help. So I’m getting that all squared away. Living life and loving it. Advocare is so easy. But you have to put some time and effort into it. And I have done a little comparing because I have other friends doing other direct sales business. The thing is you have to find your nitch. You have to have your purpose and passion. Mine is definitely health. I want to be healthy and fit. Which Advocare gives me that. My purpose is my family. They are my reason for doing what I do. Another great thing is the 40% discount or 40% earnings I get because I am at advisor level. You can start out at 20% and work your way up in three pay periods which a pay period is about every 2 weeks. Or you can skip all that. Buy in at the 40% advisor level by placing an advisor order. There are five different ways to earn when you get to advisor but I won’t get into that right now. I’ve posted a little about that in previous posts. Now I get up at five which for me is sleeping in haha. But I am better rested. I take my products, feed and water my animals, make lunches workout get my kids ready and take them to school. I am back ready to start my work day by 9:30 am. It’s awesome. What started out as me getting fit and a part-time job because we didn’t quite make enough has now become my full-time job. I found something that works around my schedule. The sky is the limit for my potential income. I don’t have a yearly review to see if I can get a raise. It’s what I put into it is what I earn. All you have to do is share and plug into events and people. That’s it. So easy why people don’t want what I have is beyond me. No rat race for a small piece of cheese for me. If you feel more comfortable running on that wheel or navigating that maze for a piece of cheese keep doing what you’re doing. If you want to tap into what I have email me or go to my website. Set yourself free of the 40 to 60 hr work week chains.
~Kristi (no spam please)



Pro-20 is the spotlight product of the month. I have used it myself and I did notice when I take it I am able to push myself harder. I was able to do more reps. It contains hydrolyzed protein for fast absorption. It helps build lean muscle mass. It helps improve reaction time and agility. It helps you increase power output and accelerate gains in speed and strength. Contains B vitamins for extra energy. Electrolytes are in it which is helpful to recovery and maintenance. It also contains alpha -gpc. Which is actually a key ingredient to the increase in power output, sharpened agility and reaction times. It also helps delay mental fatigue. The best part is it taste pretty good. It goes down smooth. It’s normally 37.95 but it’s on sale for 33.95. I know I sound like an ad today I plan on writing another post in a little bit. But I just wanted to let people know what the spotlight product of the month was. Get your Pro – 20 today at


I’m beginning to think taking Advocare products does make you have weird super powers. For example Monday I got up earlier than I usually do knowing my husbands truck was getting worked on. Which meant I was going to have to give him a ride to work. I took my Spark and Thermoplus. I got a work out in. I to ook care of our three dogs. Cleaned up. I made my two kids and my husband’s lunch. Got the kids ready and me ready. Drove my husband to work. Drove the kids to school. I was ready to begin my work day from my kitchen. Yep. And all I had to do really was check to see if anyone needed anything. And check my reports to see how my business was going. Then after I was done with that decided I was going to reorganize my house till it was time to pick up my family. It’s nice to have time to actually do things. What I failed to mention is I started up running. I workout but I do more strength training with cardio DVDs. Yes you sweat it out doing cardio moves with a DVD. And it helps you keep toned. But I wasn’t as prepared as I thought at running. It felt awesome to get out in the open air. And I took it slow but towards the end I pushed my limits to see how fast I could go. Not such an awesome idea. Plus didn’t take a post recovery drink. It was a bad idea. I didn’t know it at the time. Little did I know that I was going to get sick that night from evil stomach bug that is going around the schools. I got super sick Tuesday. I still got my children up and ready but I could barely move around. Looked like a pale invalid moving like an old grandma. I stayed in all day. And usually it takes me three days to get over something like that because even If it’s a twenty-four hour bug. I’m still weak the next day. I woke up Wednesday like a brand new person. I prayed for healing and I eat way better than I did before Advocare. I take Advocare products daily. And those are the only reasons I woke up better than ever. Not the least bit weak. And all I ate the day before was few crackers and kept hydrated. My point is Advocare has helped me to keep up with life and my health. Of course Advocare also got me home from my 40 hour full-time job to be with my kids as well. I also love how they really give back to the community. Helping military families with donating back packs for military kids. Donating items like coats to homeless children. They also built wheelchairs during their Arizona Biltmore Resort Incentive trip and donated them to people with disabilities. These are just some of the awesome things they do to give back. And it’s all with the help of the awesome distributors of Advocare. Anyways feeling great again today. Have awesome day.